Our Mission:

The Mission of the Mid-Shore Fishing Club is to provide a unified voice to preserve and protect the fisheries resources, the rights of recreational fisherman, and the opportunity to support activities that enhance the marine environment.

The Club:

The Mid-Shore Fishing Club holds monthly meetings where members learn from charter boat captains and guides about what fish are available and how to catch them; from scientists discussing the results of studies on the fisheries and the environment; members sharing information about fishing successes; and individuals enjoy each other’s camaraderie. The club holds fishing contests, charter trips to local and out-of-state hotspots, social events, host a fishing-oriented flea market, and generally develop a sense of community. The club also sponsors fishing events for children to teach them the joys of fishing and the need to be good conservationists.

Join Us

The Mid-Shore Fishing Club
meets at 7:00pm on the
rd Thursday of each month.
The meetings are held at:
Elks Lodge #1272
5464 Elks Lodge Rd.
Cambridge, Md. 21613